Friday, February 13, 2004

Pazz & Jop 2003

Fountains of Wayne's Welcome Interstate Managers is at number 3 on the list of the best albums of 2003. I can handle that.

In the essay Reasons to Bother: Finding our grooves in the year Democrats discovered hiphop, Robert Christgau writes:

". . . as our voters want to tell the world, Welcome Interstate Managers is through-crafted, one bittersweet tune after another as humane and unsappy as the rest of its vision of premarital suburbia. But FOW's "single" was a teen novelty that downloaded up there with OutKast and Beyoncé‚ and their album never broke 115 Billboard."

But "Stacy's Mom" is still #7 on their list of 40 greatest singles of the year.