Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Called to Love and Fidelity

This is a link to an awesome sermon sent to Allen about gays and marriage. Here's a quote:

"Is "the future of the human race threatened by gay marriage"? That's not what I hear Jesus saying. And Jesus is, by and large, pretty clear. I hear Jesus saying that the future is imperiled by greed, by prejudice, by bigotry, by hatred and by violence. I hear Jesus calling you and me to heal those deep wounds and invite the diverse human family to a feast of love, fellowship and grace. I hear Jesus singing a tune of joy and love and welcome and affirmation. I'm not sure which bible they're reading these days - but it's not the one I'm reading."

Please go read it. If this is going to be an issue, I don't want people who claim to be Christians speaking for all of us. I'm all for getting the Progressive Christian view out there for the world to hear.