Tuesday, August 26, 2003

I'm in the version of Dracula that my church's performing arts group is hoping to put on. I play Mrs. Fern, the housekeeper, who has the third most lines. Why does she talk so much? Who knows. I made her Ms. Fern and we're going to keep her young. I get to say lines like, "Well, I never!" and "Get Grimm". What draws me to the housekeeper roles? When my World Lit class in high school read Hedda Gabler, I wanted to be Berte. I didn't understand the character of Hedda - that's probably why I wanted to play Berte. I miss that class. I got to spend 6 weeks studying absurd drama all by myself in that class. *sigh*

Anyway, we may not get to put on the play because we are in need of one more guy to play Arthur, Lucy's fiance. I think I'm going to ask M if he wants to be in it. It would be a nice break from his family and studying for the LSAT!

Next Friday Michelle Schumann will play the Sonatas and Interludes at the second annual John Cage birthday celebration. I am so excited! I spent half a semester researching and analyzing what I could of the work (and the prepared piano), but I've never heard it live. For more info on Cage, check out Cage on the Art and Culture Network or my page on Cage.

*sidenote* My music theory prof told us that when John Cage died, they performed a work entitled "In Memory of John Cage" where they all stood up on stage with instruments for a certain amount of time (longer than 4'33", tho!). hee hee!

Thursday I get my cell phone. Yay! I gave up and told my phone company to cancel my order for installation. Who knows when or if it would have ended up being installed anyway? Now I have to see if I can live without the internet at my apartment. . .

I'm going to a memorial service today for a man who volunteered in the dental clinic. I feel like I should go, even though I never met the man, since I am on the board. Plus the church isn't far from work. I feel so awful for his family - he was killed in an auto accident on the way to Abilene? I think. I know he worked a lot with MDC and will be missed awfully. There are only a couple of dentists who volunteer their time in the clinic. The rest get some sort of stipend (although hardly much).

CD of the day: Soundtrack, Moulin Rouge. I should probably give this CD away. I only really like about three songs on it.