Wednesday, November 05, 2003

I got a call from the Blood and Tissue Center saying they are low on my blood type. That is really saying something, because I am A+, which is a pretty popular type. I realized after they called (and suckered me into coming in on Saturday) that I haven't donated blood since April! Ack! I used to be so good about doing it. In college, I gave enough to get a mug. I don't think I've given enough yet here, but I'm working up to it.

I get to pet-sit this weekend for Rosie, my mom's long-haired chihuahua. She is so cute, but so spoiled. Last time I petsat for her, I had to let her sleep on my bed, because I couldn't get any peace otherwise. She can make some pretty pitiful noises. But overall, she is pretty easy to care for. I just have clean up my apartment beforehand. Blah.

Last night I went to a fund development planning meeting/dinner for mdc. I spent most of the night standing and taking down the brainstorms on a big pad of paper. One of the ladies kept pointing at the pad when she thought I was being too idle. I was thinking, "Then you come up here and do it!!!" It's funny, I can be pretty bossy, but I hate when people boss me around. Unless I have a really close relationship to them. . . but even then I don't much like it.

At work I have been recording some interviews put to minidisc onto 90 minute tapes. A local author is working on an AARP project and has been interviewing some fascinating people. The latest one he dropped by was named Clarence Fountain (who I realized must have been involved with the Blind Boys of Alabama). His interview, at least the bits and pieces I was able to catch while working, was so amazing. I am blown away by how much faith certain people have in God and how they put it to work in their lives. I hope I am able to read the finished product of all these interviews. The bits and pieces I've heard all deal with segregation, the civil rights era, and growing up in the South.

Back to work.