Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Hans Blix is coming to town tomorrow

and I'm trying to get tickets. They are free, but you still have to have tickets to get in. I'd like to see him, but we'll see how it works out. The topic of his talk is the search for weapons of mass destruction. What a surprise!

edit: I don't know how I got tickets, because apparently they ran out this morning. God must want me to hear Hans Blix, or maybe some spirit out in the blogosphere wants me to. I was able to find an e-mail address through a blog entry that led me to my current ticket source, who is helping to set up the event. Whoo hoo! Blogs are useful, after all! The tickets are free, but I am paying for our courier service to pick them up for me. It's worth it not to have to drive and park at UT.