Thursday, April 22, 2004

Happy Earth Day!

This is a day that is close to my heart (and my birthday). When I was in high school, I was the lone Earth Day nerd. I made banners and stamped people's hands with my Mary Englebreit "Hurt not the Earth" stamp. Senior year I had a group of people help me with the banner. I think that banner is in a closet at my parents' house. So here's how I celebrate it now - by telling you to go to this site and figure out how you can help the environment in any way.

Here are the little things I do:

- take cloth bags to the grocery store
- recycle plastic bags/plastic/glass/paper/aluminum
- buy gas in the early morning or mid-evening
- carpool (when possible)
- drive a fuel-efficient car
- conserve gas by running errands in one trip
- keep the water off when I brush my teeth
- give old clothing/CDs/books/videos/other such items to Goodwill instead of throwing them out
- buy organic food when possible/cost-permitting
- always cut plastic six-pack rings (I've even done it to ones I've found on the street)

That just gives you an example on small things you can do to help the Earth. Go to the site and check it out, and enjoy your day today.