Monday, May 24, 2004

More on why it just keeps getting worse

AP: Video Shows Iraq Wedding Celebration
Although we are being told that it wasn't really a wedding celebration that the American soldiers attacked, video coverage has been found to validate the story of the survivors:
An Associated Press reporter and photographer, who interviewed more than a dozen survivors a day after the bombing, were able to identify many of them on the wedding party video — which runs for several hours.

APTN also traveled Thursday to the village of Mogr el-Deeb, 250 miles west of Ramadi, to film what the survivors said was the wedding site. A devastated building and remnants of the tent, pots and pans could be seen, along with bits of what appeared to be the remnants of ordnance, one of which bore the marking "ATU-35," similar to those on U.S. bombs. . .

The survivors agree that the wedding festivities had broken up for the night when the attack began, but they insist that there were no foreign fighters or other combatants in their group.

Thanks to TMW, where you can also find this incredibly disturbing entry.