Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Oh boy! Toll roads!

Thanks to CAMPO, toll roads have been locally approved for the Austin area in the near future. TxDOT and the Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority still have to vote on them, but I'm sure Ric Williamson and the rest of the Transportation Commission will vote for the toll roads. Mr. Williamson loves the idea of toll roads.

Part of me thinks they are a good idea, but part of me doesn't. Why don't we just heighten the gas tax, or tax SUVs more already? Eventually, we will have to, because I seriously doubt these proposed toll roads will make the money to repair themselves in the future. It's just like a momentary fix or something.

Why are taxes bad, and tolls so good? I just don't get it. Either way, the little people have to pay.

Area leaders vote yes on toll roads