Monday, August 16, 2004

letter from the Reverend

My sister found this letter to the editor written by the Rev. Clarence Bassett. Rev. Bassett and his wife served as missionaries in Mexico for many years, and later he served at El Buen Pastor Presbyterian Church in Austin. He has been retired for some years, and we are very lucky to have him around!

Here is his letter regarding gay marriage:
Many people are jumping at the chance to turn attention from what is really undermining families to blaming gay marriage.

The family is harmed by divorce, teen pregnancies and many other things. Gay marriage does very little, if anything, to other marriages. Extending marriage to gays can increase support for married life. Children in gay homes are better off than in a traditional home where one spouse is abusive.

If only the energy used in denouncing gay marriage were devoted to solving the many problems of other marriages, we'd all be better off.



Austin American-Statesman: Letters to the Editor