Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Whom did you call last night?

Now this is interesting - if you ask Jeeves, "when do i use "whom" not "who"?", my page is the first result that comes up.

Ask Jeeves Results - when do i use "whom" not "who"?

Perhaps I should post the answer to that question, just for kicks. Here's what I found when I googled, "notes on correct grammar whom":
It's possible to memorize a rule for distinguishing who from whom, but it's easier to trust your ear. A simple test to see which is proper is to replace who/whom with he/him. If he sounds right, use who; if him is right, use whom. For example: since he did it and not him did it, use who did it; since we give something to him and not to he, use to whom. It gets tricky only when the preposition is separated from the who: Who/whom did you give it to? Rearrange the words in your head: To whom did you give it? See Preposition at the End.

Grammar and Style Notes: W