Wednesday, October 06, 2004

B'nai B'rith and Presbyterians

My boss got a form letter today from the B'nai B'rith Foundation of the U. S. saying, basically, that PC(USA) has become anti-sem*tic (they use the term Anti-Zion*st many times):
"At the 216th General Assembly. . . the delegates voted to adopt a series of hostile, aggressive and profoundly insulting resolutions aimed directly at the Jewish people and the State of Israel."
The main thing this organization is angry about? I wrote about it in August. Apparently the fact that the Presbyterian church is considering divesting from companies that do business in Israel (such as Caterpillar) is enough to make the denomination anti-Zion*st.

I am extremely disappointed about this. The term anti-sem^tism is not something I like to see thrown around by anyone. At least PC(USA) realizes how big an issue this has become.