Thursday, December 23, 2004

Happy Chrismahanukwanzukah to youooo!

This toon by Mikhaela is grrrrrrrreat.

Mikhaela's "Queer Holiday Moment #412"

and yes, I am trying to do more than post great comix here, but I haven't really been struck by any big news item lately. I've been keeping posted on the Ohio situation by Bloggermann (Keith Olbermann's blog). I try to keep up with Iraq, but we are so f*cked over there. It just pisses me off. I'll be celebrating Christmas with my family at home, while my cousin, who was with us last Christmas, is over in Iraq. It just doesn't feel right to me. At all.

So yeah, I'll try to keep posting here, but if you want regular reads from me, try my other blog. I post there pretty much every day.

Merry Chrithmath!