Friday, May 09, 2003

My dream last night - well, it was interrupted. My newspaper is now being thrown onto my balcony, since it was stolen from in front of my door last Friday and Saturday. So anyway - at 5:25 I hear this big thunk that wakes me from my pleasant dream. I think someone is trying to break into my apartment. I get up and check my locks, then remember about the paper delivery and assume all is well. Of course, I can't get back to sleep for a few minutes. I hate that. When I do get back to sleep, it is only a half-sleep. I am somewhat in control of my dreams. It is strange, because I imagine myself in a thinner body. Why? I am comfortable with my body-type! Overall, my dreams after that were stranger than normal, because I kept waking up, thinking my alarm was about to go off. I must say, when my alarm finally did go off, I uttered, "Finally!" and got out of bed pretty quick.