Wednesday, November 12, 2003

I watched the film The Shape of Things last night. I got it from Netflix because I love Nurse Betty (also directed by Neil Labute) and I adore Paul Rudd. It is a very disturbing film. I'm not sure if I liked it or not. I tried to do some work after it, but I kept thinking about it. It tries to make a point and I'm not sure it does it in the best way. If you are trying to say we dwell too much on appearances, why are all the cast members gorgeous? That's what I was thinking afterwards. I was sitting on my couch, listening to a VAVS planning meeting and thinking, "Why were both of the actresses so pretty, if that's the point he was trying to make?" So I don't know if I would recommend it, even though Paul Rudd is great in it. I'm just not sure.

I am reading Boyhood by Coetzee (the guy who got the 2003 Nobel Prize for Literature) and I like it a sight better than the fiction of his I tried reading (it was about a professor who sleeps with a student - not my favorite topic). Boyhood is written in a fictional style about his childhood in South Africa. I am learning a good bit about class differences that I didn't know before. It is a pretty quick read and I would recommend it.

Next on my list is The Mommy Club, The Pleasure of my Company, Saving the Corporate Soul, and The Transit of Venus - in that order.

CD of the day: Sting, Fields of Gold.