Thursday, November 20, 2003

random thoughts on the environment and grocery-shopping

thoughts on styrofoam

I just read this on Chris' blog and had to link to it. It is quite humorous. If you have ever wondered, what is better for the environment, paper or plastic? The answer is - cloth. And if you take your cloth grocery bags to Whole Foods you get money back!

Okay, it's like 5 cents. But that can add up if you shop there a lot! I don't, but you might.

I love grocery shopping in Texas because they have people who bag your groceries for you. In Minnesota, you have to do it for yourself. I always felt so hurried because I would try to fit the items in the bag as best as possible. The checker would always glare at me if I was taking a little too long. I don't miss that.

I take cloth bags to the grocery store and one time the checker refused to put my groceries in them. So I had to do it myself, and it reminded me of Minnesota. I don't mind helping bag my own groceries, but it really is more efficient with someone else. Am I a grocery-bagging snob? I don't think so. I took a store evaluation and commented on that girl. That is the only time I've had anyone take issue with my cloth bags. Sometimes, the checker will even thank me for bringing my own bags.