Friday, November 14, 2003

Yesterday Allan at The Right Christians put up an entry with his argument about whether America is becoming more Christian or not. So of course, the comments made about this entry turn to abortion. Well, logically! It never ceases to amaze me how strongly people feel about abortion. You can be wishy-washy about everything else in your life, but I bet you still have a stance on abortion!

I am pro-choice (come on, you already knew that), but I am not adamant about it. I respect your beliefs, as long as you keep your laws off my body! =) But seriously folks. . . everyone has a right to believe what they want. Well - escept for the pro-lifers who believe it's wrong to kill a fetus, but okay to kill a doctor. That just makes no sense to me.

Sidenote: Ellen Goodman's column Partial birth, partial representation is worth reading, if you haven't already.