Friday, January 23, 2004

stop picking on Dean

I am simply tired of the press and their treatment of the candidates. It is just ridiculous. I didn't get to see the Deans interviewed by Diane Sawyer because I was watching Frontline. I'm reading through the transcript of the interview and I just can't believe it. After the Dixie Chicks fiasco of an interview, my respect for Diane was low, but now it is pretty much nonexistent. She spent a good part of the interview discussing his temper. Give me a break.

True, since the hideous scream incident, I've lost a little respect for him. Just the teensiest bit. But he's still my first choice, and I think the media just need to get over it. Anyone who has seen him speak knows how dynamic he is. He shouts into the mike because he is so angry at what has been done to this country. I am glad he gets emotional, because that is how I feel. I am so disturbed by what Bush has done to us, and I want a candidate that represents that.

edit: Okay, this is funny. I am glad Dean can laugh at himself. We all know Bush can't.

edit edit: The Phony Dean 'Meltdown' . More on the scream heard round the media world.