Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Thoughts on the long-lasting effects of the Bush administration

Adam Kotsko asserts:

"Once Bush is gone, everyone will breathe a sigh of relief now that everything is "back to normal," not realizing that "normal" has been fundamentally shaped by people like Bush's advisors. With Bush gone, taxation will still be considered vaguely immoral, and progressive taxation "unfair." A substantial social wage will still be out of the question. Our public schools and universities will continue to deteriorate. Our addiction to cars will continue. The perfectly sensible policies of people like Dennis Kucinich and Ralph Nader -- and I really mean that; if you sit down and read what they're proposing, it's not a radical communist revolution by any means -- will continue to sound like pipe dreams."

I hate to admit he's right. Even when the Democrats win in November, there is NO WAY our nation can fully recover in four years from the destruction being done be this administration. When I say destruction, I include destruction of ideology, environment, diplomacy, homeland security, lives, employment numbers, etc. It is going to take our nation a while to get over all this that has been done to us.