Monday, May 03, 2004

two entries related to TMW in one day!

We haven't forgotten, Mr. Rove!

Wherein Ambassador Wilson reflects on a passage from his book that says, "According to my sources, between March 2003 and the appearance of my article in July . . . the workup on me that turned up the information on Valerie was shared with Karl Rove, who then circulated it in administration and neoconservative circles."

He notes in the interview, "Cliff May, who wrote for the National Review online, suggested in a matter of days after my article appeared and a leak appeared, that it was widely known in Washington that my wife worked for the CIA. It was not widely known. None of my friends, for example, knew it. So it's hard to believe that it was widely known unless somebody else put that story out."

Very interesting. But I thought that this wasn't a story anymore - I mean, the networks aren't covering it. There are many things the Bush administration hopes we don't pay a lot of attention to, and I know this is one of them.