Thursday, July 15, 2004

the end of suburbia?

Last night I went to a showing of THE END OF SUBURBIA, an independent documentary about how within the next 10 years, our oil resources will peak, and then we'll just be sh*t up a creek. It discussed how the suburban dream will become moot, because no one will be able to afford to live in suburbs anymore, as gas/energy prices will be too high.

The film made some really good points, and the room we watched it in at the History Center was packed with people, but towards the end it got a little too far-fetched for me. I do think this is a relevant issue, but there were people in the film saying that our world will basically go to pot in the next ten years, making all these predictions about how messed up the world will become. 

It almost had me, and then it sorta lost me; it just got a little too fantastic. You can go to the above link to find a public showing of it (and I do recommend viewing it somehow), or you can go here to read more about it.