Tuesday, August 10, 2004

last night at Cafe Mundi

Mel and I were able to catch Outfoxed last night, even after we had to call my mom for the address of Cafe Mundi (Mel had been there before, but she couldn't remember the exact location). We were late, but thanks to some technical difficulties, they had to start it up again a few seconds after we sat down. The film does what you expect it to; it is a well-deserved indictment of Fox (Faux) News Channel. The people interviewed make excellent points, which is good, because there is really no narration at all. The film is divided into obvious segments/chapters. Besides this fact, it still flows pretty well.

It definitely got us riled up. At the end, an independent producer quotes from the 1970's film Network, and a few women in the audience joined in, yelling, "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!" Too bad the people that need to see it won't watch it.

--And speaking of Network, I should give that film another try. I really didn't like it much when I watched it as a high-schooler.--

Even though it was freakin' hot sitting on the asphalt to watch the film, it was worth it. It isn't groundbreaking filmmaking, but it is worth renting.