Thursday, September 30, 2004

Banned Books Week 2004

I forgot that this is Banned Books Week. If I had remembered, I would have done like last year, and do a banned/challenged book for each day of the week. Since I forgot, I'll just refer you to the books I covered last year:

The Ten Most Challenged Books of 2003

On the list as #5 most challenged for the past year is Fallen Angels, which I helped work on in my college internship with HRW (I helped choose 'Connections' for it). It isn't one of the better works I've read, but it is unique. It covers a black teen's experience in the Vietnam War, the loss he suffers, the pain he sees his friends go through, the racism he views, and more. As it covers the fictional experience of soldiers, the language is quite "colorful" and the description of violent events is explicit. It's not a happy book, but I think it should be available to anyone who wants to read it.