Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Hotel Rwanda

I was able to catch Hotel Rwanda Saturday night and I cannot recommend it enough. It was so moving and left me feeling emotionally raw. The acting is amazing, the writing is pretty good, and the story is very intense. I got choked up in at least three spots, and clutched my jacketed chest in sadness.

I was also struck by how the western world let all this happen. I feel like we didn't do anything to help this situation. If Rwanda had oil, though, we woulda been there lickity-split. You betcha. I was only in high school when all this was going on in Rwanda, but now, something similar is occurring in the Sudan. How much is our government doing to stop it?

I had to have some alcohol after the movie, it brought me so low. And I rarely drink! After a margarita at Kerbey Lane, I felt slightly better. Somewhat materialistic, but better.