Monday, August 04, 2003

What weekend?

It sped by so quickly, it barely registered. That's what I get for driving to Houston and back in one day, then going to a concert. I got passes to see Liz Phair in a convoluted way: I work with the grandmother of her keyboard player. Her portion of the concert was quite short, but since I only had to pay $5 for parking, I feel it was totally worth it. I got to hear "Supernova", so it's all good. That song is soooo awesome.

J's apartment is in central Houston, as far as I can tell. My experience with Houston is quite limited. I've been there three times now. The first time I got dehydrated b/c of the humidity, the second time I got to stay in the Hilton and read American Gods in the Enron food court, and this third time really was too short to count. This was the first time I actually drove in Houston. As I was stuck on IH10, I remembered my driver's ed teacher standing by the blackboard, daily regaling us with the terrors of Houston traffic.

It really wasn't all that bad. And since J is going to be living there now, I'll have to visit. Plus - they have a great opera program! And I bought an outfit (tax-free weekend!!!) at Anthropologie. I have a feeling I paid WAY too much. But it looks good.

I got V's wedding present on Sunday. Luckily they are registered at places I thought to look. Otherwise, they were gonna get a gift certificate. I much prefer giving them things I know they want/need.

I drive up to Plano Wednesday. I hope I get everything done before then. I probably won't be able to blog until next week. . .

Current rants:

I can't believe Bush's response last week at the press conference to the question of gay marriages. We know you're a Christian, bubba! You don't have to make a vague reference to a parable to remind us. And why do you think that saying we're all sinners is a way to answer that question?

I'm glad that Dean is getting lots of media attention. He's going to be on Larry King this evening and I'm going to try to call in and ask what he thinks about Americorps and Bush's treatment of it. I doubt I'll get on, but I'll try. I hope this early media attention works for him.

That's all for now - I better go get the mail.