Monday, January 12, 2004

All women are the same

Or so they say in Cosi fan tutte. I went with M yesterday afternoon to see the opera and we were both surprised to see our mutual high school friend Kirk in it. Kirk went with me to my prom, and then went to college in Vermont. He is a great actor and playwright, so I assumed he would move on to New York from there. But I guess he is back here in Austin! Both M and I wished we had binoculars for the opera. It was very funny, with a few too many arias and not enough Despina. The man behind our seats started snoring at one point in the first act. Both M and I had to smile at that. I was going to nudge his knee if he kept on doing it, but his seatmate must have done so, because he stopped.

Afterwards, M and I went to Kerbey Lane to discuss Kirk, politics, New Orleans and time. A great Sunday evening.