Thursday, March 04, 2004

Exploitation of 9/11 by Bush?! What a shocker

I'm sure by now you've heard about the use of Ground Zero in the BC04 ads coming out now. I heard Karen Hughes on NPR commenting that she understands why "Democrats" might not want America to remember "the great leadership and strength" Bush showed in the face of this act of terrorism. Um, Ms. Hughes, I think any relative of a victim of 9/11 might have a problem with the campaign exploiting their pain and sorrow. But as Tom Tomorrow says,

"In all seriousness, if they think it's a good idea to use the WTC site as a backdrop for ads and later, for their convention, I say let 'em. If Boy Genius thinks it's going to be a good thing for Republicans to come to New York City and trample the ground where so many died--well, let's just say I suspect that'll play about as well as most of his other election-year schemes so far."

You can also read this entry by a New Yorker on Change for America.