Wednesday, April 07, 2004

I guess my WalMart boycott will never come to an end. . .

WalMart's in Washington - a link to the Center for American Progress' compilation of WalMart's growing lobby power. I was already boycotting WalMart because of their lousy treatment of their employees. It is sad to me because Sam Walton was a good Presbyterian, giving scholarships to seminarians and more. His legacy has ended, I guess:

"In 1998, the company threw off founder Sam Walton's antipathy towards influencing politics and began its campaign to take over Capitol Hill. According to the WSJ, Sen. Trent Lott (R-MS) traveled to Wal-Mart headquarters in Bentonville, Ark., to offer advice on getting started: Increase your profile and open your wallet. As a result, "Made In America" is a thing of the past and anti-labor policies are the wave of Wal-Mart's future, with money paving the way to Washington."

I found this article through my weekly SojoMail from Sojourners. You can can go here to read a commentary on Christianity and dealing with WalMart.

"Wal-Mart is now busy trying to change its public image, but Wal-Mart needs more than a makeover. It needs accountability."

I don't really miss shopping at WalMart, as it always seemed to be too crowded, and didn't have much variety in music, movies, and more. I was glad when a new Target moved into my parents' neighborhood (Target is a little better than WalMart as far as labor relations go), because at least the people on the east side of town had a place to go rather than WalMart.