Thursday, May 27, 2004

funny ads that make sense

Last night, while watching the re-run of my soap (yeah, yeah) I caught both of the TV ads from Register and Vote. They are very humorous, and really work. The first one I saw has women in a bathroom commenting about a faucet that has been left on. They just stand around and watch it, making side comments, until someone walks by and turns it off. At first I thought it was an ad for the environment (because you know you should keep the water off while you brush your teeth), but was surprised by its intent.

The second one, and I think my favorite, has a group of people standing around and commenting about a piece of litter that someone left on the ground by the trash can. One guy says, "well, I could pick it up", but doesn't.

So go to the site and watch them if you haven't already. And, by all means, register and vote!!!!!