Wednesday, July 09, 2003

Seeing A Night at the Opera on the big screen was terrific. Even though my dad did some loud talking in the film (no surprise), the guy sitting behind me was scream-laughing in my ear, and my sister kept shushing me when I laughed, it was neat. I sat a seat away from this lone guy who had brought a French-English dictionary and word puzzles with him to the movie. He was quiet before the film and mostly during the film, but had the funniest laugh. He was kinda cute, but I couldn't figure out his age. I'm wondering if he'll be at The Philadelphia Story tomorrow night.

I can't believe I used to stay up so late in college. Last night it wasn't 10pm before I was ready to leave. We stayed through the first 35 minutes of A Day at the Races and then left. I didn't even want to stay that long, but I do love the phone call scene between Dr. Hackenbush and Mr. Whitmore. Oh my god, it's funny. Hee hee.

On a different note altogether - I discovered an interesting site through The Washington Post has a site up called Eyes on the War that has slide shows from different photographers of the war in Iraq. The only one I've looked at so far is Patrick Baz, who has pictures from the Hotel Palestine. The stinky thing about this site is that the advertisement section covers part of the flash screen. Perhaps it is just my Internet Explorer. Check it out here.

CD of the day: Guster, Keep it Together.