Monday, July 07, 2003

From Tom Paine's blog, I read this nifty entry making my fears about the economy more vivid:

"If the employment news seems unusually bad these days, that’s because it is. A report from the minority staff of the House Appropriations Committee reveals that no president since (ready for this?) Hoover has had a worse job-creation record. More specifically, no U.S. leader since the Depression has actually lost jobs during his four-year tenure… until now."

Thanks, Bush! I'm just gonna say this every time I hear about the stinking economy. My friend JJ is selling her house for a fraction of what she originally paid. The only consolation is that she knows who is buying it and they raise foster kids. Knowing this makes up for the loss she is taking. I'm amazed at the outlook she can take in this. All I can think is, "Thanks, Bush!" I refrain from calling him the "P" word whenever I can. Anyway. . .

Americorps is dying. Please contact your legislators and ask them to add more money to the Americorps budget. I'm so afraid that Bush will slowly kill Americorps and by the time the citizens realize it, it will be too late.

Such a fatalistic entry.