Friday, August 29, 2003

I got my new cell phone yesterday. The company had given me a Georgetown number instead of an Austin number, but they were quick to fix it for me. So I have now had four phone numbers in one month. I'm sure the people on my e-mail contact list are tired of getting my e-mails with my contact information. Oh well!

The phone itself is so tiny and clear. It is amazing the clarity difference between my mom's old 1995 cell phone and this one. It has so much crap on it. I can actually compose my own ring tone. That's just insane.

I'm looking forward to this weekend. My plans:

- finish watching The Insider. It's not that bad, actually, even though I don't usually care much for Russell Crowe. He has been way over-hyped. This movie came out before the hype really started though.

- unpack some more and trash the empty boxes sitting next to my kitchen.

- read.

- go to a dinner on Saturday night for the mission committee.

- have the youth group over.

No big plans! My kind of weekend.

CD of the day: Kim Richey, Bitter Sweet.