Saturday, October 11, 2003

A few weekends ago I was cleaning/unpacking and I found a used role of film. I took it to be developed last weekend and got it back today. It mostly had pictures from North Carolina on it.

Like this one:

I don't remember the name of the volunteer I am posing with, that's how long ago this was. Don't I look authentic, though? We were there for a build in May and it would get so hot during the day (that's why my sleeves are rolled up). I was in charge of installing the door behind us. Here is a better pic of it. And here is the back door I was in charge of installing also. Since I never did roofing (too scary), I got to lead the door (and some window) installation. This pic was taken on the last day of the build (we all wore our Habitat*Americorps Build shirts). Our Americorps group got the farthest in the week we were there. I believe we just started with a capped foundation, and on Friday we ended with siding started on most of the house. It was pretty awesome.