Monday, September 08, 2003

Go check Tom Tomorrow's new toon out: you can do it here(Tuesday at noon) or here (you have to watch an ad first). It is so funny, especially after reading Rumsfeld Strikes Back at Critics of U.S. Effort on Terror. Ha ha ha! Note the sign in the background "D.N.C.: We hate America!"

I didn't catch Bush's speech last night. I do know that it threw my TV schedule out of whack! But seriously - I heard the last part of the Albuquerque debate last night. What the hell is up with Joe Lieberman? K had called me after she attended the debates and told me the quotable quotes, but it was still shocking to hear him. He was okay for VP, but for the real thing? I don't think so.

I'll vote for the Green candidate before I vote for Joe. Here is who I am open to voting for if they grab the nomination:
Kerry or
Edwards or even
Moseley-Braun -
but I'd prefer Dean. Anyone else is just the same ol', same ol'. I didn't say Kucinich, because there is no way he'll get the nom. I love Carol Moseley-Braun, but I am realistic enough to know that she doesn't have the name-recognition or the financial wherewithall to make it. =( Wouldn't it be awesome to have a black female President, though? Someday.

I spent the weekend dogsitting for two Scottie dogs. I didn't get much sleep, and am looking forward to spending the night in my own pad. And watching more "Alias". When I first got the box set, I wondered if it was really worth it. And it really is - the series premiere is great, and really funny if you listen to the commentary. The second episode commentary is lacking, but a bit interesting nevertheless. I think what I love the most about watching it on DVD is hearing it in stereo. Now I have to get the second season. I think I might ask for that for Christmas, since it won't be out til Dec. 2.

I saw the video for Stacey's Mom yesterday and was a little surprised. I wanted to see more of the band and less of Rachel Hunter. It is a great video, though. Good for FOW! They look cute in the video, although they sure aren't in much of it. I also saw the video for Coldplay's "The Scientist" and was just blown away. Wow. I don't care much for the band, but the video is AWESOME.

CD of the day: Liz Phair, Liz Phair.