Tuesday, September 09, 2003

So what are your plans for Saturday?

I have to go vote tonight. I was going to go work out and then vote, but realized that the polls close at 7pm, so there's no way I could do that. I have to vote early because I told a work colleague that I would help her on election day. I get to clerk at an all-male co-op at UT on a game day. For a consitutional amendment election no less!! I am sorta looking forward to seeing what kind of turnout we'll get. I can't complain - it is easy money. $100 to sit, read and talk on my cell phone. Oh, and get free food. Maybe I will be surprised and we will have a decent turnout. Maybe.

I was watching Alias last night (big surprise) when someone knocks on my door. I thought maybe it was someone I knew, but no, it was some random guy selling magazine subscriptions. I told him I had no money (which is TRUE!) and I don't think he bought it. He was like, "So how do you go out and drink?" I said, "Honestly, I don't!" He replied, "That's so weird." Then he regaled me with a tale of how he went to Sixth Street this weekend and got plastered and people bought him drinks and someone tattooed his finger with a smiley face.

I thought, Well, now I really want to buy a magazine so you can go to Europe.

It used to be that I couldn't say no to salespeople. Telemarketers would call and would be able to keep me on the line until I could eke out an "I don't think so." Now it just comes so easy. What was I scared of? Salespeople call and I just hang up on them.

I've heard it through the grapevine that my old roommate A has been offered a position with a DC law firm. Before she started law school she told me she wanted to clerk for a Supreme Court justice. Now that that is an actual option, she chose the firm. Frankly, I'm not surprised. The money changed her mind! Or should I say lessened her idealistic dreams. . .

I've thought lately about signing up for evening classes or something. But I honestly don't know how I'd do it. I just know that I can't do what I'm doing now (job-wise) for the rest of my life. There is no point.

CD of the day: Elgar, Enigma Variations.