Thursday, August 14, 2003

In which I eat bananas with my dead grandfather

I'm sitting at a club with my friend M and we see a sign for an upcoming concert with some neat bands. I tell him we should buy tickets, but Nolan Ryan buys them for us. Then I am on the step of my grandma's house with K and KR and we can see my grandpa in the kitchen. We go on into the house and they make themselves at home. I look for a plate in the kitchen when K comes in, cursing about something. I say, "K--! My grandpa!" and she shuts up. Grandpa is sitting and eating at the table, like he hasn't been dead for over 10 years. He's eating bananas and something else, chatting with me, and asks something like, do you think of me when you eat bananas? All this time I am thinking I have to leave soon to drop the gals off and pick M up for the concert. I am only a bit surprised to see Grandpa; it seems natural for him to be there.

Then I wake up and wish I was back asleep. He was so vivid and real in my dream - but he was never that chatty in real life. I wonder if I dreamt about him b/c I saw P last week? I don't remember anything else I dreamt about last night. That was just too strange.

What I watched last night: The Reluctant Debutante. I've seen it enough times to just listen to it while I packed up glassware and appliances.

In my car: Sarah McLachlan, Surfacing.

Current read: East of Eden by Steinbeck. Are all the female characters bad, or is it just me? All the decent people mentioned so far are male. I'm only a little surprised at this.