Friday, August 15, 2003

From the Statesman, GOP ponders tactic: No map, no primaries:

"The effort will have a backlash on President Bush," said Sen. Leticia Van de Putte, D-San Antonio. "I believe it will hurt him in his re-election efforts because we, the minorities, will remember."

The Republicans and Democrats are stuck right now. Neither will admit defeat. I've been hearing more often than not how it seems to be a battle between the white Republicans and the minority Democrats. I don't think I realized that all the Republican Senators were white; what does that say about the Texas Republican party? Another reason I'm proud to be a Democrat. I just wish the Dems on the national scene would show some gumption the way our Texan Dems have.

I'm moving tomorrow - unfortunately, my phone won't be up until Monday. Argh.

I am so tired of packing . . . I can't wait to be done.

CD of the day: Liz Phair, Whip Smart.