Tuesday, August 19, 2003

Hmm. . . what did I do this weekend? Move, pack and unpack. But I LOVE my new apartment. I have a bigger kitchen and a beautiful view. It seems a lot more like a home than my other apartment did. Yay!

I saw Freaky Friday on Sunday (packing break) and I laughed through the whole movie. It is really funny and quite good. Seeing the end credits I remembered that the guy who directed it also directed The House of Yes which is a sight more twisted. Anyway, I would recommend it. It is worth the ticket price, even if you are older than a teenager.

Both nights that I've slept at my new apartment I have had some strange dreams. Sunday night I dreamt about the guys from Queer Eye and MG. I don't remember too much about it. But last night I dreamt about George Eads ("CSI"). It was strange because I started out playing his girlfriend on the show, but then we were really going out. Then we got engaged. Other stuff happened, but that was pretty much the main plot of my dream. I'll take a dream about George Eads any night. Whoo hoo! =)

Josh at TPM has some good stuff on Tom DeLay. . . Apparently he thinks that redistricting is federally mandated by the Constitution:

"Unfortunately, the Democrats in the state legislature don't understand honor because they're violating their oath of office to support the United States Constitution. They don't understand their duty, which the Constitution calls for in redistricting."

What an idiot. At an open house this weekend, I saw a shirt for the senators. I kinda want one. But if I got it, I probably would wear it about as often as I wore my "Clinton/Gore" shirt. Which is about never.